Tuesday 20 December 2011

Where have i been ? and Update

Where have i been you may be wondering, well literally i have no idea where all my time has gone and were it all goes i am constantly here there and everywhere.
If i am not visiting family, i am running errands or Christmas shopping or doing chores or homework.Basically my point is i have had no time lately, but i am going to make time from now on. Yes i may be doing considerably less than i was 2 months ago but  i do not want my loyal followers to feel as if i am stopping blogging or abandoning them.

My plan is to do as many blog posts as i can in the 2 weeks that i have off school but leave them in drafts so i can get at least a blog post up every fortnight for you but, if i do miss out  couple of weeks i am so sorry because i will also  be trying to spend as much time with my family to in this festive time.

Also, from now on my blog posts are going to be abit less formal if u could call them that and abit more casual and chatty. I want you guys to feel like this blog is something really personal to me and so i am going to try to do some posts that are abit more me. I want my posts to be abit more like youtube videos like, if i have some good news in my personal life i would like to make  post about it and share it with you guys and if i feel passionately about something to post about it and get your thoughts and opinions on it. But if you guys wouldnt like to get a more personal posts from me then just leave a comment and i wont do them if its not something you want to read.

Finally i would just like to say a big thank you to all my followers for just being there and being so understanding towards me.
Thank you